
Cultural Symbols

In addition to flags, there are many other popular symbols used within the aspec online communities that have become popular in certain years.

Garlic Bread and Cake

Symbols of the aspec community often used in aspec meme culture, stemming from an old joke that asexuals would rather eat cake (or garlic bread) than engage in sexual activities

Ace Playing Cards

Ace playing cards are used as symbols of the community, stemming from the nickname “ace” as a shortened form of “asexual.” Some have assigned different meanings to different suits, making them symbolic of different asexual spectrum identities.

  • Ace of Spades
    • The ace of spades represents aromantic asexuals. The spade is also often used as a symbol of the asexual community and spectrum at large.
  • Ace of Hearts
    • The ace of hearts is used as a symbol for people who are alloromantic and asexual.
  • Ace of Diamonds
    • The ace of diamonds represents people who identify as demisexual. An alternative system uses it as a symbol for both demisexuals and gray-asexuals.
  • Ace of Clubs
    • The ace of clubs represents people who identify as gray-asexual. An alternative system uses it as a symbol for people who are questioning their aspec identities.


A symbol of communities on the aromantic spectrum, originating from the nickname “aro” as a shortened form of “aromantic.”


The Aromantic Ring

The aromantic ring refers to a white ring worn on the middle finger of the left hand. It is worn by some people who identify as aromantic to subtly show others their identity.

The Asexual Ring

The asexual ring refers to a black ring worn on the middle finger of the right hand. It is worn by some people who identify as asexual to subtly show others their identity.